10 research outputs found

    Economic Ideas and Institutional Change: Evidence from Soviet Economic Discourse 1987-1991

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    A New Conception of Centralism

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    The Soviet economy is on the threshold of major change. The Law of the USSR on the State Enterprise (Association) will take effect at the beginning of the new year. Most of the basic links of industry, all of transport, and many participants in the agro-industrial complex are being converted to full cost accounting and self-financing.

    Relying on the Lessons of the Past

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    As a result of the victorious October Revolution, our country has-in the course of socialist construction-become a mighty industrial power with a vast economic and scientific-technological potential. We find in these revolutionary transformations the beginning of the foundations and the inexhaustible source of the advantages of the socialist system. Our successes inspire justifiable pride and convincingly demonstrate the viability of socialism and its principles of organization of social production. However, the breakthrough from many centuries of backwardness to the heights of modern science, technology, and culture cannot obscure serious problems of both the remote and recent past. In analyzing them, we must proceed from the lessons of truth that were provided us by the Twenty-seventh CPSU Congress.

    Transformações no sistema leste -sul

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